
Thijs quest hunter
Thijs quest hunter

thijs quest hunter
  1. #Thijs quest hunter upgrade
  2. #Thijs quest hunter plus
  3. #Thijs quest hunter free

#Thijs quest hunter upgrade

Selfish Shellfish is a sizable upgrade to the deck (no pun intended), as it allows your Razorfen Beastmaster to pull out a 7/7, which can be extremely difficult for your opponent to deal with late in the game. Given that Deathrattle Demon Hunter was an archetype entirely introduced in Year of the Gryphon, it makes sense that it should be able to carry over to Year of the Hydra more or less intact. Table of Contentsĭeathrattle Demon Hunter AAECAea5AwS/7QOoigSHiwTysQQN6uYCmOoDu+0DvO0D/e0DqO8Dr+8Di/cDgIUEqZEEtbMEuLYE0bcEAA=

thijs quest hunter

Also thanks to Decktech for trailblazing this kind of theorycrafting roundup before going on to bigger and better things as part of the Hearthstone team. GLHF!īig thanks to my Coin Concede co-hosts, Edelweiss and RidiculousHat, as well as Hunter expert extraordianaire Sidisi, for their advice on devising and refining these lists. We’ll know what the meta is very, very soon until then, at least one of these decks should pique your interest and align with your dust budget.

#Thijs quest hunter free

Some of these might be great, and some might be terrible some card choices are certainly incorrect and some cards are likely missing, but since the set is not yet released, all of them have a perfect 100% win rate! In other words, feel free to use these as inspiration change cards, mess around and have fun. It can also be kind of overwhelming, though with so many possibilities, what on earth do you play once you’ve opened up all your packs and deleted all your invalid decks? With that in mind, this is a list of some decks I’ve brewed up to get you started. The thing I don’t like about wild is there are a tonne of swingy decks that do nothing for 5 to 6 turns, then blow through their entire deck play mechathun, and win the game without doing anything.Standard rotation in Hearthstone is one of the most fun times to play the game because everything is wide open and no one knows what’s good yet.

#Thijs quest hunter plus

In wild it’s common for my games to go 8 plus turns, because it seems there are more answers to oppressive strategies and plays. In standard if you get to turn 6 and it’s still a game (ie one player hasn’t blown the other out of the water) consider yourself in a rare position because you are. What’s crazy tho is that wild seems like a slower format than standard. There’s only a few decks that repeat, pirate rogue, totem shammy, Reno priest, but quite a good variety.īig priest feels oppressive once they get going, but I think it’s managed by playing aggressively. What is fun about wild is the number of viable decks, it seems everyone is playing something different. Wild is definitely not a try hard format, so please don’t feel accomplished for yourself if you get good results, the amount of screwing around even at high legend I see is unprecedented for me, it’s literally like shooting fish in a barrel lol.

thijs quest hunter

Going for double top hundred this month, never played much wild until I believe two days ago then coasted to top 200 legend (entered at 3k legend lol) in like 1 day with over a 95 percent win rate. I’m pretty sure there are bots even in wild, and in relatively high positions, like top 500 legend, i recently discovered that a lot of pirate rogues are bots, and that’s because they’re the ones i always BM, they’re hidden (uses normal nicks like " crush” or “clearlove”) but they have a peculiar behavior: no matter how lost the game is: they don’t give up, and well, so far everything normal, many players do the same to annoy, but these bots don’t give up until they calculate that there is already lethal damage on the table, let me explain, i had one many turns at 20 life without attacking him directly, just humiliating him and cleaning up what he was playing each turn, until I put together the 20 damage in stats on the table the next turn he surrendered automatically, and already confirmed it with others, for me there is no doubt that they are bots, and they play very well, they trade and go face when it is necessary…Ĭheck it out for yourselves, just BM the rogues and you will see it…

Thijs quest hunter