
Humankind reviews
Humankind reviews

humankind reviews

So much so that in one review the author wondered if it wasn't more like a puzzle game. The beginning of the game is, as one critic put it, a brutal sprint and the best introduction to a 4X game ever, but later the gameplay can overwhelm us with information (the interface doesn't help much here).

humankind reviews

Even the combat system, which has been praised for its variety, was found by some reviewers to be slightly worse than the one known from the devs' other game, Endless Legend. Similar problems can be seen in several other elements. A side effect of the solution is that individual civilizations do not have the character of those led by Montezuma or Gandhi from Civilization. In this way, we have a chance to adjust the directed nation to our needs, for example, choosing a nation better suited to war or trade, which gives a countless number of combinations with the six avancements at our disposal. At the beginning of each new era, we can choose a different civilization with unique bonuses. Humankind puts more emphasis on decisions during the development. It's not that there's a lack of interesting ideas here - on the contrary, the game has a lot of elements that cannot be found in the Civilization series. So far there are not too many reviews of Humankind, but with a metascore of 80/100 (out of 19 texts at the time of writing the news vide Metacrtic) and a lack of negative notes, it's fair to say that Amplitude Studios delivered a good, if - as some would have it - slightly too conservative title. However, if you want to know more about the game in advance, first reviews of Humankind have already appeared online. Tomorrow Civilization's new rival is coming to our PCs, also as part of the Xbox Game Pass subscription.

Humankind reviews